Sunday, November 7, 2010

What the rain reminded me of...

It starts with the drizzling. The soft slow pitter patter.. and then gradually it becomes louder and the rain drops become bigger..

Its 2.00am in the morning and ass i sit here near my PC blogging away.. i hear the drizzling at 1st.. i look outside the window and a cool wind brushes across my face.

Being on crutches i was allowed to only poke my face outside of the window. Otherwise i could have just danced in the rain. Yes even at 2.00 am in the morning. It is tempting.
The last time i did bathe in the rain was somewhere this year around April or May.
We travelled up country on educational purposes and during our break it was raining. The cold chilly rain looked tempting and within seconds we were all out in the rain rolling on the floor and playing :) That upto date is one of my fondest memories.
We jumped out into the garden and rolled on the grass and laughed till we couldn't breath. We danced in the rain and had a lot of fun. It was as if we were 12 again.
The slope in the garden was awesome and our main even in the beautifully landscaped garden was to roll down the slope until we had mud and grass all over our clothes.
The rain ceased but we continued to play :)
The next day we climbed the beautiful hills.. There was no certain path made to climb but we found ourselves a path and climbed..
We climbed quite high up into the mountains.. As we climbed higher we were welcomed with the warm embrace of   a few ladies who worked up in the mountains and were on their tea break.
After exchanging a few words with them we proceeded to climb further. Some were overcome by the fear of leeches. The bloodsucking little pests. Soon we heard the sound of water. There deffinitely had to be a waterfall up ahead. And yes.. we did come across one. Some of us took our shoes of and at the risk of being attacked by leeches, put our feet into the water.
After the adventure with the waterfall we climbed further ahead even when the sky was threatening to start pouring. We came across a beautiful rock and relaxed a while. Then we started to head back to the bungalow.

On the way back on the side of the road built to get to the bungalow, we came across a little pool. A pool created from the water that was coming down from the waterfall.
Some of us went back immediately to the bungalow, while come of us stayed back and dipped our feet into the water. A small feet dipping pool then became our fortress and we proceeded onto have a massive water fight and were drenched from head to toe. The water was cold and we were all shivering when we snuck back into the bungalow just in time to have a quick change and go for lunch :) that experience and memory is something i will always treasure. 


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