Friday, October 29, 2010

The Skydiving experience :)

"In a world in which we are all slaves to the laws of gravity, I'm proud to be counted as one of them freedom fighters. Skydive!"

Since i am at the moment extremely bored and now im quite sure i have become an isomniac, thought of reliving my skydiving experience.. by writing about it..

It was a beautiful day in the magnificent Fiji islands. The 10th of September 2010.
It did not matter that i was woken up at 6.00am early morning.. I was just very very excited to go skydiving. It was something i never ever thought that i would have the guts to do. :) It was infact my younger sister who persuaded me to go skydiving because she was extremely fascinated by the idea.I would say if not for her persuassion i would have not persuaded my parents to allow us to take part in this adventure of a lifetime. :)

Managed by an Australian company 'skydive Fiji' is a remarkable place. Once we entered the office on the 9th of September to book the time i noticed parachutes strewn all over the ground and there was huge t.v where a DVD of a previous jump was playing with music blaring through its speakers. :D
My sister and i signed the sheets and booked the 7.30 am jump for the 10th of September. 

Dawn of September 10th! The Skydive van came to pick us up from the hotel we were staying at.. hotel 'toka toka'!
we were then taken to the office in Nandi and once we picked up the pilot and the instructors we made our way to the airport in Nandi itself. The small aeroplane was to take off from the Nandi airport and our parachutes were to land along with us at the Denaru Beach.. :)

Nangi (younger sibling) and i got in the plane and we took off. strapped to our specific instructors i cudnt help but grin and grin until i could grin no more cuz it was finally happening.

once we got to an altitude of 10,000 ft the door was opened and nangi jumped 1st. then it was my turn and i didnt really have time to figure out what was happening because my instructor jumped pushing me too! we had a free fall of 30 seconds. it was the most AMAZING experience ever, i tell you :)i was literally just falling. the air high up there was freezing cold. and to my luck there were no clouds that day.. so i could see freely. During the free fall it was impossible to breath.! it made my whole mouth feel dry and my cheeks flap for the pressure... it was WONDERFUL!

Then at an altitude of 4000 ft the parachute opened. i felt my whole body being pulled! although it was quite painful with the straps cutting through my skin the view of Fiji islands from up there was the most amazing view! it was beautiful. i find it hard to explain it cuz with my words i would not do its beauty enough justice! 

anyway.. then we began to get closer to landing. and we landed. :) 

while landing we were specifically told not to let our feet touch the ground. we were supposed to land on our bums. the instructor was the only one if at all allowed to keep his feet on the ground. BUT,

in all excitement i didnt think about what i was doing and my left foot accidently hit the ground. even though it was soft sand of the Denaru beach, because of the speed and the weight my ankle snapped. Final injuries were a dislocation, a fracture and a broken bone.
I had to return to SL and have surgery. 6 weeks laster i am still in a caste! NEVERTHELESS upto date i believe and think that the experience of skydiving was deffinitely 100% worth the ankle ;)

the good news is, the caste comes off in 2 weeks :)and im counting. 14 days more :)
p.s i now have 5 screws and 1 plate in my leg. 1 screw comes off in 2 weeks :) the rest in a year! 

still deffinitely worth it :) everytime i watch the video it makes me want to go again! but now i have been adviced against doing anything that includes JUMPING! ;)
soon! xx

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