Friday, October 29, 2010

My 1st Blog entry :)

Hello fellow bloggers :)

I do not know for sure what led to me start a blog of my own. About 2 years ago i did start a blog but because of my difficulties in managing time with my studies, etc i completely lost track and forgot all about it. Heck i don't even remember the name of that blog i used back then. I don't remember anything to even retrieve it!

Anyhoo! i think sheer boredem led me to start a blog. It is around 1.30 am in the morning and it is the 30th of October 2010.
Not falling asleep! watched a lot of t.v and listened to music and yet im wide awake! i even did my Spanish lessons for the day.
To be quite and completely honest i do not know what exactly to blog about or how to! But i suppose just writing out what i think or my views would do.
Searching the internet randomly or as some would call it surfing the net randomly i came across quotes on letting go and found this one particular quote interesting. It caught my eye. And i chose to share it with all..

"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward"

the author is unknown :)

I was pondering over this quote and then about letting go. Some say that in order to let go of something or someone that one must stay away or even avoid the particular object or human being for that matter. I however do not share that view. To me the easiest way to let go has been to speak to the person and clear things out so that i would know for sure where whatever it be, the friendship, the relationship or whatever it is stands. Knowing the exact truth helps. And by not distancing yourself i suppose whatever is left of the relationship or the friendship can be preserved. Letting go is not easy. However opinions and views differ. I simply stated mine. :)

It is also sometimes best to give it time :)
Anyway. Now i am just rambling like and idiot.
Probarbly because i am nervous since this is my first blog and i am still not quite sure what to say.. :)

see u all soon :) tc

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