Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Return.

It has been 4 years. 
Many things have happened, many things have changed. He hias fallen in love fallen out of love. Started jobs left jobs. Completed his higher education partially. One could say he is happy. Indeed he is happy. Why shouldn't he be happy? 

'She makes dirty words pretty' is blaring through the speakers of his laptop again. After so many years. He will not get sick of the words. 

He had to quit his new job today. He loved it. He loved what his job expected of him. He loved every bit of it. But he had to leave. There was no choice. They decided for him. The ones who still have authority over him. He knows it is in his best interest. But... he cannot understand why. 
He lays his head on his pillow. Thoughts in his head and drifts away to dreamland. 

'So don't think i'm ordinary'