Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Return.

It has been 4 years. 
Many things have happened, many things have changed. He hias fallen in love fallen out of love. Started jobs left jobs. Completed his higher education partially. One could say he is happy. Indeed he is happy. Why shouldn't he be happy? 

'She makes dirty words pretty' is blaring through the speakers of his laptop again. After so many years. He will not get sick of the words. 

He had to quit his new job today. He loved it. He loved what his job expected of him. He loved every bit of it. But he had to leave. There was no choice. They decided for him. The ones who still have authority over him. He knows it is in his best interest. But... he cannot understand why. 
He lays his head on his pillow. Thoughts in his head and drifts away to dreamland. 

'So don't think i'm ordinary'  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The big story of his that has been going through this blog. That story never had a happy ending for him.
She is now completely away. The dont keep in touch as much as they used to.

He.. has fallen in love again. With the same kind. The same type. He knows what he is getting into. Yet he gets into it. He does not know what do to.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The happy ending

He is now okay. Everything seems to have gone back to normal :)
She has contacted him. He has got his answers :)
There might be a happy ending after all :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

He patiently waits.

It had been almost 3 weeks, since that day ...
There came another day.. But she was not the same girl she was 10 months ago... she had changed. Drastically. He patiently awaits the day she would go back to being herself.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Part 2 - The call he rejected.

It has been quite a while. Anyway..

He waited patiently.. for a few more days. He then decided that he will give it up all together. He had a late night on the 29th of November. He was up doing nothing. He was bored. Hence he slept till mid morning the next day. The 30th of November. The final day of November. He was fast asleep, when at once his phone rang. He lazily picked it up and looked. She was calling him!
He woke up with a jump and answered the phone. He was not sure if he was dreaming. She asked him about his studies, himself, his days.. etc.
She had to go. They spoke for 5 minutes and 35 seconds. Roughly 6 minutes.
He was delighted. And fell back asleep happily.
When he finally did wake up, he blinked and looked at his call records. Yes it was true. She had called him. He was happy. He vaguely remembered she said she would call her within an hour. She did not. But that one simple call was enough for him. He was filled with happiness.
It has been 2 days since then. He just cannot wait till she calls again.
He is happy. After some time. But a side of him is worried... And sad.
He is uncertain of the future.

Friday, November 26, 2010


It's quite annoying when people always take you for a joke.
Just because one may be known as one who always the fool and jumps around and takes life easy that does not mean that one does not know to be serious, much less take care of ones self when injured.

I agree that if a parent restrains one from going out after an injury one may later be thankful. But when permission that has been granted is ungranted it does become annyoing and frustrating.
Specially when one's cousins or siblings don't even trust one to be careful.

It is not like i dont know the gravity of an injury.

Why cannot my opinion be taken seriously for once?

She sat down and thought away into the rain!


Thursday, November 25, 2010